Supplements are basically shortcuts to getting necessary nutrients into your body.
The best way to get the daily nutrient is and will always be eating a well balanced diet. But, let’s face it, how many of us even remember the last time we had a balanced diet? When was the last time you had the recommended 5 to 9 daily servings of fruits and vegetables? This is why supplements are necessary to complement your daily nutrient intake, and not replace the natural sources of those nutrients.
Before you start your supplement journey, you need to know where to start, here are some common supplements you can start with.
Calcium is needed to build and maintain strong bones, plus it boosts heart, muscle and nerves function. Young people need 1000mg of calcium daily while older men and women need 1,200mg. Calcium is mostly found in foods like soybeans, dairy products, dark green leafy vegetables, etc.
Taking supplements can help make sure you get the required daily amount.
It is advisable to take 500 to 600 mg of calcium daily as too much calcium causes a spike in calcium levels in the blood.
Fish oil is one of the most common supplements out there. It is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 helps fight against heart disease, has been used in treatment of inflammation and improves cell growth.
Omega-3 is not manufactured in the body so you should rely on food and supplements for the required amount.
If your health is at optimal function, 200-500 milligrams of fish oil is enough.
But, it causes frequent belching. To limit this, keep it in the refrigerator and let it freeze. It should be taken before a meal so they be broken down into your the body before the food is digested.
Vitamin C is water-soluble and therefore very easy to digest. Good sources of vitamin c include fresh fruits and vegetables. It is needed to help the body function, develop properly and it also plays an important role in immune function.
1000 MG of vitamin c supplement is enough for an adult, just make sure you don’t take it on an empty stomach; it is acidic and taking it on an empty stomach can trigger nausea. Take it with a meal and at the same time every day.
Vitamin D is produced by the body in the presence of sunlight but due to potential risk of sun damage, you obviously cannot be staying in the sun for too long. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to some types of cancer, diabetes, and obesity. It can be found in fish, egg and fortified milk but for supplements, 400-1000 IU daily is enough. It’s either that or 15-30 minutes in the sun daily. As a side tip, Vitamin D is fat soluble and works best when eaten with fatty foods.
Collagen is that protein substance that gives the skin its elasticity. Low secretion of collagen will result in wrinkles and fast aging. Collagen supplements are taken to help cover that gap. With collagen, 2.5-10 grams per day can be beneficial to the skin. You should contact your dermatologist on this one.
A side note, the effects collagen is known to reduce when taken with acidic foods, like orange. So, be careful to not take them at the same time.
Thanks for reading. 💃💃💃💃
Article credit : Cocci Beauty