The conversation surrounding face wipes and whether or not they’re safe to use is one that has gained momentum lately.
Face wipes are a fantastic way to quickly and easily remove any impurities or excess oil from the face, without the need to get it wet or go through the whole process of washing, cleansing and toning. Using face wipes especially for oily skin are a great way to freshen up on-the-go, when you are feeling greasy but do not have access to full washing facilities - besides, who wants to carry face wash, cleanser AND toner in their bag? It is much more convenient to carry a small pouch of face wipes to give yourself a quick refresh.
But as convenient as they are, there are some speculations about whether or not they’re good for you and we have compiled a list of reasons to tell you why they’re not.
If you’ve spent your life thinking a face wipe is all you need to remove your makeup, here’s your wake up call. Face wipes do not clean as thoroughly as a facial cleanser and water would, often leaving behind grime and oil which may over time lead to clogged pores, breakouts and even irritation from all the residue on the skin. Gross!
You should never exfoliate every day, so why would you happily scrub your face with a wipe morning and night? Besides leading to increased breakouts as well as sensitivity and irritation from residual grime, sebum and cleansing product on the skin, those with sensitive skin and rosacea may also experience irritation from the rubbing action of facial wipes with prolonged use. So it turns out that lasting redness and burning sensation is most likely your fault!
Speaking of redness, have you ever noticed that your skin starts getting red and hot immediately after you’ve used a wipe? It’s not just from rubbing. The chemicals used in wipes are not skin-friendly. Face wipes are harsh on the skin because they contain strong, drying chemicals that strip the skin of its natural oils, altering the delicate pH of your acid mantle, which can cause inflammation and irritation.
If your skin looks great and gives you no reason to look for an alternative cleansing method, don’t be so quick to think that you’re an exception to the ‘face wipe’ rule. Prolonged face wipe usage can lead to dehydration, stripping the skin’s natural oil content and disrupting the pH of the skin’s acid mantle – this is actually one of the main reasons people think they have sensitive skin! In the short term skin will become irritated, red, inflamed and spotty with prolonged use of face wipes. However, without having an effective cleansing routine in place, over time, skin will become more lined, wrinkled, slack and dull in the long run.
Article credit : Cocci Beauty