Common Causes of Skin Discoloration

Skin color is given by a pigment called 'melanin' secreted by melanocytes. Lighter complexion signals less melanin while darker complexion signals more secretion of melanin. Skin discoloration occurs when there are abnormal skin patches in irregular areas on the body. They are quite common and are caused by a range of things stemming from natural and minor causes such as pregnancy and more severe causes like skin cancer.
Discolored skin patches can be caused by burns from sun or other sources of heat, allergies and autoimmune diseases, birthmark, infections, hormonal fluctuations, skin cancer, vitiligo, stasis ulcer, contact dermatitis, and internal skin-bleed.
Autoimmune Diseases
When the immune system has been compromised, it is unable to distinguish between healthy cells and Intruders. This confusion can cause it to attack healthy cells. As a result, inflammation can be triggered in the body giving the skin unnatural colors and redness.
This are discolored spots that appear on areas on the skin and can appear at or after birth. Majority of these birthmarks are harmless and fade away with time. Types of birthmarks include moles, Mongolian blue spots, port-wine stains, and strawberry nevus.
Read “Discolored Skin Patches” by “Healthline”.
When cuts and wounds are not treated in time, they start to attract bacteria and become infected. This leads to change in texture and color of the affected skin.
Hormonal Fluctuations
Hormonal changes, especially during pregnancy, can trigger skin discoloration in certain parts of the body. Melasma, the mask of pregnancy, can develop and cause discoloration on both sides of the face.
Skin Cancer
When the skin is exposed for too long to harmful substances such as the UV rays from the sun and chemicals from lightening creams, the genetic materials in the skin get damaged. This causes the cells to grow out of control and form masses resulting in cancer. Cancer causes changes in skin texture and color.
Vitiligo is a condition that causes the destruction of melanin, the color-giving pigment on the skin, and results in skin discoloration.
Stasis Ulcer
A condition where there’s not enough blood circulation to certain areas of the body, especially the feet and legs, resulting in skin inflammation and discoloration.
Contact Dermatitis
When the skin comes in contact with certain irritants and chemical it is allergic to, it can result in inflammation and, essentially, discoloration.
Internal Skin-Bleed
This is a situation where the blood vessels burst due to an injury or an allergic reaction, giving that part of the skin a red color.
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Thanks for reading. 💃💃💃💃
Article credit : Cocci Beauty